The Training Course RemoteWell is a project of The GloRe Network whose themes are: 1. Support of the volunteers during their experience (ESC and international volunteering); 2. Effective recruitment and selection processes of ESC/international volunteers; 3. Dissemination of the project results; 4. Recognition and certification of the competences acquired during the volunteering experience; 5. Networking (sharing Good Practices and fostering new collaborations). The goal of the project is to increase the capacity of the organisations to support and communicate remotely with ESC and international volunteers, while project objectives are: 1. Improve the volunteers’ recruitment and selection process (quality of the interviews, empathic approach, quality of informative materials and effective promotion); 2. Increase the support to volunteers in their learning process (via mentorship, Youthpass, etc.); 3. Increase the capacity to disseminate the project’s results and spread the value of volunteering; 4. Encourage the creation of partnerships and strengthen existing ties in the network. The course will take place in the period 16-22 March 2024, including travel dates. It will be hosted at Fattoria l’Arca in Belvedere Marittimo (CS) which, in addition to hosting long-term volunteers, will have the ESC Team On Arrival Training in the High Priority Area “Team For a Healthy Life (T4HL)” on those days. This will be a great opportunity to exchange best practices in an intercultural environment. The TC will be based on non-formal education methods, systemic coaching, emotional intelligence and popular education. Activities will include knowledge and cooperation games, group work, plenary discussions, role-plays, simulations and self directed learning activities. Some methodologies come from the GloRe Toolkit, while others are based on the experience of the facilitators and previous projects. We’ll be 31 participants in total and are looking for 25 participants coming from the following countries: Bulgaria, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Ukraine, Austria, France, Morocco, Georgia, Egypt, Tunisia. Italian participants have been already selected. Participants should be a staff member working directly with ESC and international volunteering or a mentor. Furthermore, they should meet the following requirements: currently active in an organisation willing to participate in preparation and follow-up activities with a sufficient level of English to carry out the activities without the need for translation directly involved in the volunteer selection process (preferable) involved in supporting the volunteer(s) (preferable) involved in local promotion and dissemination activities (preferable) involved in the organisation’s online communication (preferable). If selected, candidates will be put in contact with our partner organisations that will act as their sending organisations and they will be required to accomplish some preparatory work as well as follow-up tasks. Preparation tasks: – Prepare a presentation of the volunteering activities and recruitment/selection processes of your organisation; – Participate in preparatory online meetings: Approximately 1 month before the course we will hold a 1st pre-departure meeting to get to know each other, present the training contents and logistical aspects. About 2 weeks before the course we will hold a 2nd pre-departure meeting to present our organisations, our involvement in the ESC programme and our work with volunteers and to review all logistical aspects. Follow-up tasks: – Participants and partner organisations will be called upon to disseminate the results of the project through: 1. 1 post or article describing the project results 2. The training of a further 2 members of each organisation on the methodologies learned during the in-person training.