Project Summary: Leveraging ICT and Social Media for Youth Inclusion and Participation Aim of the Project: The project’s primary goal is to equip youth workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively utilize Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Social Media as tools for enhancing active participation and promoting the inclusion of young people in society, with a special focus on youth with fewer opportunities. Objectives: Promoting ‘ICT and Social Media for All’ and ‘Digital Literacy’: Highlighting these concepts within youth work to encourage inclusivity and digital competence. Sharing Empirical Experiences: Discussing the integration of young people with fewer opportunities in digital platforms and various youth work programs. Exploring Youth Work and Digital Trainings: Investigating how youth work and training programs can be aligned with the goals of digital inclusion and acceptance. Enhancing Digital Methodology in Youth Work: Improving skills in organizing quality youth work by leveraging ICT tools, social media strategies, and digital content creation. Establishing a Community of Youth Trainers and Workers: Forming a significant network of youth trainers and workers dedicated to ICT and social media-based youth work for inclusion. Outcome: This project aims to create a significant impact by starting from empowering youth workers to eventually reaching and positively influencing a broad spectrum of young individuals, especially those with limited opportunities. By integrating ICT and social media into youth work, the project seeks to foster a more inclusive, digitally literate, and interconnected society.